Linggo, Hulyo 17, 2016

Plumbing Checklist Before Leaving for a Long Trip

Tips before going on a Long Vacation

Preventing frozen pipes - running water

Plumbing problems and shortened vacations. (Photo Credits)

Sometimes unexpected plumbing problems can take place when a homeowner is away from home for an extended holiday or trip out of town or even out of the country.

To avert such cases, some measures should be taken to avoid that dreaded call from a neighbor or a house sitter. Temecula Plumbing Authority 

Canadian Website Instant Plumbing shared some reminders. “For most homeowners, this is the one step you should take before going away for an extended time. Before leaving, locate the water main and turn it off. Now even if the furnace does go out, there isn’t any water in the pipes to freeze, expand, and damage them. The exception to this rule is if you have a boiler, in which case you’ll need to leave them on to supply water to the boiler. If you don’t turn off the water mains before leaving, be sure to turn off the water supply to the outside taps (hose bibs) and drain those taps. This should always be done for the winter regardless.”

Read the rest of the post here.

Avoiding foul plumbing-related odors too

Everest Plumbing says if homeowners would not like to be welcomed by the stench of their drainage system, adequate checks and preparations should be made prior to leaving for their holiday break.

“Doesn’t the thought of coming home to stinky drains gross you out? Prevent drain odors by giving your drains a good cleaning before you go, or better yet, call us for professional drain cleaning! Food residue stuck in kitchen sink drains and garbage disposals will only get worse while you’re gone! Likewise, bathroom drains will only get stinker too. A good flush of hot water, vinegar, and baking soda should do the trick or even a little bleach.”

Check out all the reminders here.

Before leaving the Summer Home

Now before leaving the summer home, property owners should also make necessary inspections and preparations related to the property’s plumbing system. The Website Contractor Mag shared details of how to winterize a home.

“I survey the home for all plumbing sites — especially the water closets to ensure they’ve been recently flushed by visitors (homes-for-sale category!); another lesson learned in the school of hard knocks. That whirlpool tub is next. If there’s an air pump, I turn it on to forcibly eject any trapped water and then I’ll use the pony pump, with rubber hoses attached, to force the RV antifreeze through one of the jets until I see it coming out of the suction strainer. Let it drain (approximately 10 minutes) and then turn on the faucet to clean up any surface RV antifreeze remaining.”

Read the rest of the procedure here.

Undergoing the hassle of inspecting plumbing fixtures, and ensuring that there will be no plumbing problems before leaving for a long trip will go a long way in terms of lessening any hassle during a vacation.

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